Report a Security Incident

At CyberOrigin, we take security seriously. If you've discovered a potential security vulnerability or incident, please report it to us immediately. Your cooperation helps us maintain the integrity and safety of our systems and user data.

What is a Security Incident?

A security incident is any event that may compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of our systems or data. This includes:

How to Report an Incident

If you believe you've encountered a security incident, please contact us through one of the following methods:

  1. Email: [email protected]

For urgent matters requiring immediate attention, please call our security hotline.

Information to Include in Your Report

When reporting an incident, please provide as much of the following information as possible:

What Happens Next?

  1. Our security team will review your report within 24 hours.
  2. We'll assign a case number and send you an acknowledgment.
  3. Our team will investigate the incident and may contact you for additional information.
  4. We'll keep you updated on the progress and resolution of the issue.

Responsible Disclosure

We appreciate your help in keeping CyberOrigin secure. We kindly request that you:

CyberOrigin is committed to working with security researchers and users to maintain the safety of our platform. We will not pursue legal action against individuals who submit security reports in good faith and in accordance with this policy.

Thank you for helping us keep CyberOrigin secure!